Unicleanse Crystals Greywater Pump De-Scaler Cleaner
- Uniflo Unicleanse Crystals, Greywater Pump Cleaner and Descaler.
- 2 Tubs of 300g each.
- Easy Mix System.
- Suitable for Domestic & Commercial use.
- Strong Descaler Solution from Macerator Specialists

Unicleanse Crystals Macerator pump de-scaler
Unicleanse crystals greywater pump de-scaler cleaner
2 x tubs for Uniflo or Saniflo Greywater pumps
De-scaler and cleaning crystals. Concentrated Formula.
Exclusive to Uniflo Products. Unicleanse crystals greywater pump de-scaler cleaner
The easy mix system. Simply mix the crystals with warm water and pour down the sink into the pump, leave to soak for a number of hours then rinse through with clean water a couple of times, it is as easy as that.
Help keep your Greywater pump clean and free from grease and grime blockages. This cleaner De-scales, Cleans and disinfects all in one. Eliminate those bad odours. For use on all types of greywater pumps. This product contains chemicals that will not only disinfect but will ensure a deep down clean and wipe out germs.
Helping to keep your pump clean and hygienic. EASY TO USE with
full instructions. 2 X 300g e TUBS